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Getting Hired Starts By Staying Connected

Statistically speaking, you know your industry better than most people. It goes with the territory and it's why conversations that start with "What do you do?" are the worst part of any dinner party. Sure, you get to feel like an expert, but don't get complacent because of a few...

Get Your Attitude Right!

In our outplacement and career coaching programmes we talk about the importance of 'attitude' for successful job searching. In our terms, 'successful' doesn't just mean getting a job, it means getting the right job for you in a timely fashion. It means not underselling yourself...

Freelance Curriculum Writing Jobs

When it comes to earning an income, there are several means by which income can be earned. Of course, educated people are willing to get themselves employed in organizations in some jobs based on their qualifications and some are willing to become entrepreneurs by engaging themselves...

Five Critical Elements For Getting Your Online Job Applications Noticed

Have you ever noticed how applying for jobs online just seems to waste so much time, and rarely, if ever gets you a response. If you need to see the response rate go up, and actually want to score an interview or more from all of the online job applications that you submit, these...

Finding Nursing Informatics Jobs

Once you've gotten your nursing informatics certification, the next step is finding a job. Nursing informatics jobs are growing rapidly in number across the Nation, but because this is a relatively new field, the number of available jobs is still fairly low. Finding a job in this...

Find Your Federal Job Fit: How to Determine If You Meet the Qualifications for a Federal Job

Once you have identified the significant aspects of what you have to offer the federal government as an employee, you have the necessary information to demonstrate that you are the most qualified applicant for an identified position.1. Conduct a job search on USAJOBS. USAJOBS is...

Don't Play By The Rules If You Want Results

Everyday, millions of people follow the job search rules. They send a standard cover letter, which doesn't say much and send a generic resume to an unknown entity in the Human Resources Department via the internet. And then, they play the waiting game, because almost every ad asks...

Do Job Search Websites Work?

If you find yourself looking for a job or a change in career, then you need to make the numbers work for you. In today's economy- and technology-driven world, you need to give yourself the best possible chance of finding a job and you can do that by learning more about the way in...

Crafting the Right Resume

Part 1 - Write a resume that generates resultsThere is no point in putting out a resume that is so weak that it is guaranteed to get little to no results. Why bother? Do you really want to find employment? These absurd rhetorical questions are meant to explain that writing your...

Cover Letter Logic - Does a Single Mom Re-Entering the Workforce Need a Cover Letter?

In this day when it's so easy to attach and send your resume to the next employer where you're applying for a job, you'd think a quick email would do it. And to be honest, it could. If your quick email message makes a statement, an email could be considered to be a cover letter,...

College Students: Easy Steps to Building Your Basic LinkedIn Profile

1. Get your custom URL. Put this URL on your resume and online profiles, it's part of your professional identity.Go to Settings (a drop down item at the arrow to the left of your name, in the upper right hand corner) and click "Edit your public profile."In the "Your public profile...

College Students and Recent Grads: Include Complete Contact Info On Your Resume

College students and recent grads: Is your resume working as hard for you as it could (and should)?In this article let's take a look at essential contact information you need on every resume. Recently I've seen some that didn't include phone numbers, even though they did include...

Changing Your Resume for Each Company

A recruiter once gave me an excellent tip when she said to change my resume every time I applied for a job. Why I asked? She told me that company recruiters will often use a keyword search to select the candidates that they feel matches the position. This keeps them from having...

Changing Dynamics of Jobs Today

As a career counselor, career guidance professional, and HR professional who has hired or placed 1,340+ professionals, my source for many articles come from clients.This article is generated by personal observation in the marketplace. It shouldn't surprise you that one of my focuses...

Career Reset

Are you looking to re-enter the professional world or make a transition into a new career path? Maybe, you are satisfied with your career, but how can you advance in the company or improve your performance? No matter where you are in your professional life, career pathing is the...

Bouncing Back When You're Unemployed

It can be difficult when you've recently lost your job. Whether you've been laid off or quit your job for any particular reason, finding new work while you're unemployed can be a full time job in itself. Losing a job is both financially and emotionally draining to most families....

Best Time to E-Mail Resume

What Time Should You E-Mail Your ResumeWe live in a day and age where checking e-mail can be done with a press of a button. We carry around these handheld computers with information at our fingertips. This can be seen as a bad thing or a good thing. Timing is everything!!! The hiring...

Best Executive Resumes

What makes an Executive Resume different from an Entry-Level resume? Check out these helpful hints when writing your next resume.IntroductionTo begin, entry level candidates usually start with an objective that tells the reader what they would like to get out of the job that they...

Being Unemployed - Some Strategies

Nothing is more shocking than losing a job. It's a devastating blow to your ego, turns your life on its side, and changes just about everything. This is not a job market that you can take lightly. You have great skills and great experience, but would need to call on everything you...

Does Your Job Search Strategy Include a Headhunter?

Is starting a job search a bit daunting?It's no surprise given the current unemployment statistics that there is plenty of advice and opinions out there on how to conduct your job search. Fact is there are lots of quality candidates for whom the status 'unemployed' is unfamiliar...

Asking for a Raise

A very effective way to keep what you have learned and studied is using the mnemonics and acronyms tools. The best yet about the mnemonic device is that it helps the brain to be refreshed quickly and spontaneously whenever the information is needed. A good example of such mnemonic...

Answering Interview Questions: A Consistent Marketing Message

Next to meeting your significant other's family, the most challenging, stressful opportunity we face to impress others, is when we interview for a new career position. Nervousness is a by product of how well prepared we are. When we're ready for it, the interview lets us bring our...

Another Piece Of The Puzzle: Targeting Your Job Search

You can't hit the target if you can't see it.What do you want to be when you grow up? It seems like such a simple question, doesn't it? When we're growing up, the answers are typically Doctor, Lawyer, Police Officer, Fire Fighter, Astronaut, and Teacher. Then reality sets in (like...

Another Piece Of The Puzzle: It's The Little Things That Count

Remember the expression "a stitch in time saves nine." Tailors and seamstresses lived by that. What stitches they used and the type of thread, created a garment that was strong and durable Or one that had the buttons falling off. Or had loose threads that when pulled would cause...

An Employment Placement Firm Can Help You Find the Right Job

When people start job hunting they often go through the familiar process of looking in print newspapers and online to find the right kind of companies to apply to. Then they will send out resumes and cover letters in the hopes that their resume will find its way to a hiring manager's...