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Looking for a New Job? Where to Look

So you're ready to join the workforce? Change jobs? Return to work after a career break? You've thought about the kind of job you are looking for and drawn up a professional resume? Great...let's get started. You can start looking for suitable jobs in the following places:Online...

Learn How Your Personal Appearance Can Affect Your Next Job Interview

There is another side to the job interview that not many job seekers take into consideration. Wouldn't you like to know what the employer is really looking for? If you could find out what the interviewer on the other side of the desk is thinking, don't you think you would have a...

Job Search Lessons From Super Bowl 46

Another fabulous game to watch and although I am a Giants fan, there are things I noticed about each team and how they played and prepared that I believe are extremely valuable when applied to job hunting.1. The value of a systemEach team operates within a system with nothing left...

Job Search Guide and How To Find That Job

Searching for a job can be a distressing time for everybody with the world economics how they are. There's all those job adverts to look into and all that internet job site surfing. Then when you get a job invite its applications and letter writing. Whats the best way of finding...

Job Placement in Sweden

As everybody knows, Sweden is one of the most developed and successful countries in Europe. A lot of people, regardless the nationality, want to find a job there. It may be possible with the knowledge of all principles of employment in Sweden.How to find work in SwedenEverybody,...

Job Hunter Likeability

My mission involves restoring people's dignity and optimism during these troubling times. I do this through the delivery of online training that teaches them how to find jobs faster. Unlike traditional job search training, I don't teach people the mechanics of how to look for jobs...

I Just Graduated, Now What?

The graduation parties are over, you've moved out of your dorm, and reality is beginning to set in. The Real World. Not the MTV reality TV show, but the actual real world. It's natural to feel a little anxiety (or a lot!), but as with anything worth doing, a solid plan is required....

How to Get Your First Job - 7 Quick Job Hunting Tips

This article is targeted at helping graduates and school leavers get their first job (it does not look at writing a CV or motivation letter or at interview skills as these will be covered in a future issue). Across Europe as a whole the average unemployment rate among those with...

How to Get Employed Quickly

In various countries, the economic downturn is still going on. In that situation, it becomes very difficult to get your desired job. But for your information, there are some other factors which you can handle to increase your chances to get employed.First and the most important...

How To Find Jobs On The Internet

Finding a job on the Internet can be a time-consuming process. People who have acquired jobs by this means have often said it is a job in itself. If you are looking for a job online, be prepared to spend several hours a day filling out applications and searching for new opportunities.There...

How To Find a Suitable Teaching Job

Finding a suitable teaching job is not as easy as it sounds. This all depends on where and with whom you want to work with. You may prefer to work in special education, pre-K, first grade, second, third, fourth, or fifth grade, middle school, secondary school, vocational school,...

How Psychometric Testing Can Help You Find Your Perfect Job

The job market in the UK is now more competitive than ever. The struggle for jobs and the amount of competition for each place means employers are now taking extra measures to ensure they employ the right candidate. It is also means that job seekers are investing more effort into...

How Do I Get My Guard Card?

In order to become a certified and licensed security guard many states mandate that an individual obtain a what is known as their Guard Card. A Guard Card is often used to describe the license that is issued by the state that the security guard wishes to work in. Each state has...

Highest Paying Jobs in Wisconsin

The highest paying jobs in Wisconsin are located in all parts of the state and in varying industries.Wisconsin boasts several large cities, including Milwaukee and Madison, its capitol. This state is the 20th most populous state in the nation and has 72 counties. The United States...

Highest Paying Jobs in Iowa

The highest paying jobs in Iowa are located in a variety of industries. This state in the midwest specializes in farming and agriculture, manufacturing, processing, biotechnology, and green energy production. While many people think of only potatoes when they consider Iowa's economy,...

Highest Paying Jobs in Alaska

The best jobs in the state are often the highest paying jobs in Alaska, but that isn't always true. People with low-paying jobs that they love enjoy high rates of satisfaction. It all depends on what kind of job you have and what industry it's in.Green jobs are exploding in Alaska....

Getting Interviews But No Offers?

You've got the interview. You're ready, willing, and able and pretty excited about the company. They're a good company with a respected brand. They have an interesting product line - right up your alley. From all indications, they sound like a good employer. The job they posted...