How to Get Your First Job - 7 Quick Job Hunting Tips

This article is targeted at helping graduates and school leavers get their first job (it does not look at writing a CV or motivation letter or at interview skills as these will be covered in a future issue). Across Europe as a whole the average unemployment rate among those with a college degree and aged between 25 and 34 is currently 6.2% and rising. In addition, only around 30% of jobs are filled via published vacancies. These days, qualifications are not enough so what can students and graduates do to make themselves more marketable? And what can they do to make themselves stand out when up against so many other graduates? The following will set you in the right direction toward getting your first job (although they apply equally as much to anyone who is looking to change career):

Think about some of things that you have done and achieved. What are your hobbies and interests and what extracurricular activities have you been involved in? Even things which you do not think sound very interesting can give an indication of your capabilities. Have you ever been in charge of organising something or have you ever had to work in a team? Think about some of the challenges you have faced in any groups that you are, or have been, a member of. You will be surprised by the skills you will have used e.g. team work, organisational skills, problem solving, communication skills. All of which are skills that are transferable into a wide range of industries. Then update your CV to highlight these skills.
Look out for graduate training schemes - these are a great way to get your foot on to the career ladder and gain relevant experience.
Use your computer skills to network online. Make use of social networking sites like Linked In where you can create a professional looking profile that allows a wide range of people see your qualifications and key attributes. Submit your CV to sites like for example. Even more important than online networking is face to face networking so be sure to attend as many networking events as possible particularly those in your chosen industry as well as attending careers exhibitions.
If there isn't a job out there for you why not create one and start your own business. If you have a good idea, there is a lot of help available for young people looking to start their own business.
Consider further studies which could broaden your knowledge and make you more marketable to certain industries. Or consider a masters degree which focuses on a particular area of your chosen field and would then make you more marketable within that field.
Finding a student work placement or work experience job is a great way to gain relevant work experience and skills that you can use on your CV. The more you do the more skills you will acquire and this will make you stand out against other graduates with less experience when you start applying for jobs. It will also help you to make valuable industry contacts, which you should keep in touch with, as well as giving you the opportunity to consider the pros and cons of the job to help you decide if it is the right area of work for you.
Find people working in the industry/field that you are interested in and ask to speak to them to find out more about what they do. If you do this, you must be well prepared in advance for these meetings. Make a list of the questions you want to ask including the advantages and disadvantages. This type of job research will help you discover whether or not you have the required skills and experience for your chosen field of work and will give you a greater understanding of what the job entails as well as helping you to identify companies to approach for work.

And of course, try to stay positive!

"Work as though you would live forever, and live as though you would die today." - Og Mandino

And now I would like to invite you to sign up to recieve your free copies of my Inspirational Toolkit delivered direct to your inbox when you visit, - just click on the subscribe button. Here you will find even more free advice and tips to help you put the fun and passion back into your working week.

From Anne Galloway, at power-to-change email:

Anne Galloway is a careers coach and small business consultant who believes that work can and should be creative, meaningful and enjoyable. Her specialties include assisting clients find the 'right' career for them and showing them how to sell themselves confidently on a CV and at interviews, and taking an independent view of business systems and procedures and developing strategies to increase sales and revenue. Anne is regularly sought out as valuable sounding board due to her ability to highlight risk in order to take control and reduce it. Her first book, 'Your Future - A practical guide to action' was published in 2011.

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