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Fastest Way to Find a Job - Tip 16 - Social / Civic Events

Social / Civic EventsNot all social or civic events are hotbeds of job search networking... I'll give you that one. Networking events are better suited for that. However, I believe that any gathering where someone might ask you, "So what do you do for a living?" is a not-to-be-missed...

How to Determine If a Job Offer Is a Good One for You

As you read job descriptions and consider the options on the table, you may be happy to jump on any job offer you get. After all, getting a job is not easy to do. When you get a job offer, you may feel you simply need to take it right now. The good news is that the economy is improving...

3 Benefits Of Connecting With a Staffing Agency

If you are looking for a job, consider turning to a staffing agency. These organizations help companies to fill the immediate job openings they have with well-trained, competent individuals who can step in and do the job right. Often times, these positions turn into long-term careers....

Fastest Way to Find a Job - Tip 15 - Alumni Organizations

Alumni OrganizationsAlumni organizations are great networking resources for you, which means they are also great resources to help you find a job.I graduated from the University of Oklahoma, so I have attended many OU alumni functions in Dallas. (Most alumni organizations have groups...

It's Job Hunting Season - Focus Your Sites And Get On Target

We've arrived at the final quarter of 2012. After several months of grandstanding by the politicians, we still have a sluggish employment market.Being the optimistic person that I am, I believe that we will see a gradual increase in job openings beginning in the first quarter of...

Fastest Way to Find a Job - Tip 14 - Job Shadowing

Job ShadowingJob shadowing is ideal for college students as they graduate, but it's not just for the kids. Anytime you're transitioning into a new field (either by choice or because you were laid off), a job shadowing experience can give you a big boost in your job search.Why should...

Double Your Job Search Efforts During the Holidays!

The holidays are coming and many job searchers are accepting the common misconception that they should halt their efforts until after the New Year. Those who put their search on hold may be missing out on critical opportunities. Instead of slowing your job search down, the holidays...

How to Apply for Jobs Online Through Online Job Portals

People no longer have to spend a lot of time in going from one establishment to another in finding and applying for jobs, ever since online job portals have become available. All one has to do these days is to find the jobs that they want through the internet, and follow the instructions...

Importance of Resume Tools and Expert Advice

A professional resume brings you to the notice of prospective employers. Resumes can be presented in different ways. Using resume tools and templates can be one of the most effective ways to begin writing a resume. You won't have to worry about the specific details you need to incorporate...

5 Tips for Managing Job Interview Nervousness

Sometimes, a job interview means so much to you that you just cannot afford to let something to wrong. When it comes to taming your anxiety and getting back on track so you can wow the job interviewer, you'll need a few tips. If you are focused on the opportunities that this job...

4 Must Do Activities for LinkedIn

Having a LinkedIn profile is essential whether you are searching for a job or not. LinkedIn is a favorite site for headhunters!Here are four must do activities for anyone who wants to get the most out of their LinkedIn profile.1. Make sure you complete your profile in a way that...

Championing the Job Search

As March Madness is upon us, it is time to heat up the job search and make the plays to lead you to a job you love.The talk around town is all about the Final Four and the potential candidates. But this talk is not just about basketball; it is also about the job market. Applying...

How to Turn a Job Interview Into a Job Offer

You have a job interview coming up and you are excited about the opportunities it has to offer. Now, all you need to do is to ensure you get the job offer. That's the hard part it seems in today's economy. No matter how many interviews you have or how well you think they went, you...

Refuse to Be Your Own Worst Critic - Energize Your Job Search by Altering Self-Critical Thoughts

There are probably few things more stressful than a job search. Typically, hopes are raised and, not infrequently, hopes are dashed. While there are numerous stress management techniques to help you manage your stress during your job search, the most important strategy is to manage...

How to Prep for a Job Interview So You Score the Job Offer

Job interviews are challenging times for anyone. No matter what your goals are, though, it is a good idea to do some homework long before you actually have to step into that office and start talking about your job skills and talents. In fact, those who do best in these job interviews...

Fastest Way to Find a Job - Tip 6 - Trade Shows

Trade ShowsTrade shows can be fantastic, rich resources for the aggressive job seeker. They are full of in-person contacts from a concentrated selection of companies in your field. You may not come away from the show with a job, but you very well could come away with a valuable...

The 6 Rules for Completing Job Application Forms and Personal Profiles

Rule One - The BasicsWith each application form you will receive a job specification, to secure a job interview all you need to do is evidence that you possess the skills required and have the experience needed for this job role.To highlight your skills you need to record real working...

Tips for Emailing Your Resume for a Job Application

When it comes to applying for a job, one of the most common methods for doing so is to email your resume. It's easy, right? Long before the Internet and the job boards, it used to be that you would walk into a location, fill out an actual paper job application, submit your resume,...

How To NOT Get A Job (4th in Series): A Wimpy Message

From my first meeting with Ken he was a focused and self-directed job seeker. He'd been approached by a recruiter with a lucrative senior-level job lead and an interview was set up fairly quickly. He called me weeks later to say he didn't get the job offer.In his great disappointment...

Show Your Potential: 10 Tips to a Better Resume

Resumes have long been a staple of the job seeker. No matter where you apply or what field you're looking for work in, most employers are looking for some sort of resume to give them an idea of who you are and what you have done up to this point. Even with the high level of importance...

How to Prepare for a Dream Job Interview

After writing a captivating CV and invited for a job interview, it's that time you should prepare for the interview. You will have a perfect opportunity to land your dream job if you are fully ready to give good interview answers. Below are useful interview tips for prospective...

If You Don't Think You're Good, Why the Heck Should I?

Trying to make forward progress in almost anything when you don't have faith in your ability to do it, just doesn't work. No matter how well you conceal it, your uncertainty will wind itself around your neck and stop you from showing what you're really capable of.We've got to snap...

Why Bourne Ultimatum Wowed Its Audiences More Than Its Prequels

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