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Making Your Resume Readable and Scannable

Creating a resume is one of the most important steps in applying for a job. As a job candidate, you need to ensure this piece of paper displays your skills and helps you to get into a job interview. It is no easy task today. For many positions, there are dozens if not hundreds of...

5 Steps To Getting The Job That Will Be Your Career Position

You are working but not in the job that you want to be in for your career. You long to be in a different company or working a different set of job skills to achieve your career goals. If you have the desire to move up or to expand outside of the job you have right now, it may be...

5 Mistakes You Are Making on Your Resume

Your resume is a critical component to your success in the job hunt. It is the first impression people will have of you, long before they call you in for an interview or discuss anything about your qualifications for their position. Are you making one or more of the most common...

3 Mistakes You Are Making Using LinkedIn for Your Job Search

There is no doubt that LinkedIn is a fantastic tool to help you in your job search. The social network was nearly built for just that purpose, to connect individuals with other professionals. The site can work very well for those who want to find a job, find a key contact at a company...

Job Hunting? The Secrets That Recruiters Don't Tell You

Tip 1: Write your own CV/resumeDon't go and pay $50 to have someone write one for you. It's a waste of money. How on earth can a complete stranger do a better job than you can of summarising your career to date?Writing a cv is easy, you just need to know what recruiters are looking...

How To NOT Get A Job (3rd in Series): Wacky Email Address!

You and your spouse are looking for a new babysitter, as your current sitter is cutting back on that responsibility. You've gotten the word out to friends and family who are tapping into their resources as well.Sure enough your neighbor calls to not only suggest someone, but to...

5 Daily Habits Every Job Seeker Should Be Doing

Are you a job seeker? Are you looking for a job that can fill your needs financially and even help you to achieve your long term career goals? If so, you should be working towards that every single day. If you are actively looking for a job, then you already know the importance...

Can I Use Social Media to Enhance My Career?

Instead of getting discouraged by the lack of response to your resume... get busy!There are a myriad of tactics and tools you can use to improve your resume and not all are painful or require a lot of redo to your resume. The thing is they can help you get a job and isn't that what...

Fastest Way to Find a Job - Tip 20 - Freelancing/Consulting/Temping

Freelancing / Consulting / TempingFreelancing, temping, and consulting are all great ways to fill your time in between jobs. Sometimes it's just a financial necessity, and that's OK. But these activities also offer some great benefits for you while you're in the job search. Sometimes...

How to Stay Hopeful in the Job Search With Today's Economy

Do you feel stuck in the middle between over due bills and our ever-increasing unemployment rate? I am right along side of you. I have been looking for a job for the past six months and the competition is high. Just when you feel like you're ready to give up, it's time to pay your...

Fastest Way to Find a Job - Tip 17 - Newspapers (or Craigslist)

Newspapers (or Craigslist)If you know that I'm not very fond of job boards as a job search resource, then you must be really surprised that I would talk about newspapers or even Craigslist in a series about the fastest way to find a job. I'm sure you assume that I think newspapers...

Resume Advice and Tips From Experts

If you are applying for the job of a dental assistant, there are plenty of responsibilities that you need to take care of in a dental clinic. You may be required to work as a clerk, handle files and organize records of the patients as well. You must be able to retrieve old dental...

Fastest Way to Find a Job - Tip 25 - Offbeat Ways

Offbeat Ways (Sandwich Boards, Dating Services, Your Child's Ball Games, and other Desperate Job Search Measures )If you've been out of work for a long time, you're ready to try anything to find a job. Some of today's suggestions are a little tongue-in-cheek, but some of them could...

God Please Help Me Find A Job

When life has become fickle and unstable for a considerable amount of time you begin to wonder - God, what did I do to deserve this? You start to think back... way back, of all the times you could have done better, should have done better, and it is easy to slither down into the...

Fastest Way to Find a Job - Tip 23 - Friends/Family/Church

Friends / Family / ChurchIt is so important to talk to your friends, family, and church about your job search situation if for no other reason than they are your support system. The job search is too stressful to carry it on your shoulders alone.I've known job seekers to leave the...

How to Write a Great CV for Physician Jobs

Experience evaluating physician CVs has taught me that advanced degrees and a lot of education don't necessarily equal polished CVs. It has never ceased to amaze me that, when applying for a job that can pay as much as $400,000 per year, individuals will still submit CVs that are...

Career in Media Industry: For a Rewarding and Interesting Career

Media industry is growing at a fast pace and creating a prominent place for itself internationally too. There has been a remarkable growth in the expansion of advertising, television, radio, and music industry. In the modern times, the industry has evolved in its high-end stage...

Fastest Way to Find a Job - Tip 22 - Resume Blasts

Resume BlastsI included resume blasts on my Fastest Way to Find a Job Series not because I like them, but because some job seekers think these are the way to go, and I have a better alternative.Resume blasts used to be the hot, hot thing back in 1999 and before. When I got my first...

Job Hunt Today Even If You Don't Have To

One of the mistakes people make is to look for a job when they are out of work. The job hunt is not just about looking to fill in when you are not working or when your employer is on the verge of downsizing. Rather, you should always be on the hunt for jobs that fit your needs and...

Fastest Way to Find a Job - Tip 18 - Networking Events

Networking EventsDo you have a love/hate relationship with networking events? You know how important networking is for your job search and career success. Networking events are specifically set up so you can network and meet new people. That's a very good thing. Yet, the thought...

Help Me Find A Career

Finding the rights career path is much more than just finding a job that will pay the bills. There are many people who work in a job that is unfulfilling. If you truly want to enjoy your job you must choose a career that aligns with what inspires you the most in life. In order to...

5 Reasons To Give Your Job Search A Reboot

It does not matter where you are or what job you are looking for, every person can use an advantage when searching for jobs. The best and easiest advantage is knowledge. We review 5 common job searching problems to help you take a second look at your job search strategy so you can...

Tips for Job-Seeking College Seniors

Having earned my undergraduate degree from a business school, I was shocked to learn how little other students in my graduating class knew about the job search.The little things that I had learned in class and from experience - what to wear to a career fair, how to write a cover...