Dear Lord, I need you now as you can see. Im in a situation where my parents are depending on to help with many financial situations. Im going to need your help Lord get a please help me find a job or some money that would be financial assistance to my lord of the family. Please help me name
Dear God, thank you for all the blessings I've been giving. You know my needs, my thoughts and hurtful moments. Lord, right now, my family has financial problems. It is very difficult to form a family, especially with this current economic situation. Please guide me and help me get a steady please help me find a job and permanent. In a few months we have to go to a new apartment and do not know if we can benefit from implementing new opportunity as we have a lot of debt. Please, Lord God, I do not want to be homeless. The only solution is to get a permanent please help me find a job. Please, God, you're my only hope.
Please Lord help me find a please help me find a job do not know how many apps ive putt in the last 4 months and still hasn't anyone seen Mr. i prey to hire now and always I have a family to support and I have nothing to give if can only send work my way lord show Mercey love I give you my life
I just found a please help me find a job and in my third week. I'm struggling with this work, I'm not happy with it. Lord, forgive me because I am lucky to have found something in today's economy. I just do not like it, I'm having a hard time getting up to go to work and find myself watching the clock out during the day. I do not want to quit, but the thought crosses my mind every hour of the day. As I continue with my please help me find a job search, allow the opportunity that I look my way. Then this please help me find a job may go to someone else who may be a better choice for this company. Lord, I'm sorry for feeling this way. Thank you for your attention.
Dear Lord and Father, I thank you very much for everything I have. I pray you hear my prayer. Sir, I really need u at this point in my life. I am a mother of a 6yr old, his father left and married when she was five months, it is very difficult for me to raise him alone. I need a stable please help me find a job to raise him. ive graduated in 2003, I have a degree in criminal justice and have not found work since. He attempted suicide several times, but my son is holding. I have been applying for work since and now I gave up. Please Lord, please help me I do not know what else to do.
Sorry you are going through this. I too am a single mother of a 5 year old boy and his father and I separated when he was 3 months. Unlike you, I have a college degree, but I have a please help me find a job, thank God, but I'm not happy with it. I just write a note and proceeded to read his prayer. I will continue praying for you to give you the strength and courage to move forward. Remember, you are not alone and his little need, as much as my little boy needs me. Please let me know if I can help in any way.

Dear Lord God. Please bless and help all those people who truly believe and have asked for information in the fight of his life. I believe in them and pray for your happiness and success. Show and teach as they have done for me. Thanks
Lord, I pray that you guide me and help me to find a stable full time please help me find a job soon.
It says everything is possible with you sir, I think soon bless me with a good
work I can do and be good and fit with this company. I pray for a please help me find a job where you do not have to travel
out of town too.
I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ

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